
Sustainable Practices in Our Spirit Production Process

At 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee, we are deeply committed to sustainability, ensuring that every step of our spirit production process reflects our dedication to the environment. As veterans, we learned the importance of precision and efficiency, values that we now apply to minimize our environmental footprint. We believe that making great spirits shouldn't come at the expense of our planet. That’s why we are pioneering techniques that both elevate the quality of our spirits and protect the world around us.

This commitment is woven into our daily operations, from selecting earth-friendly materials to implementing energy-saving practices in our distillery. Our focus is not just to produce the finest spirits and coffees but to lead by example in the industry, showing that sustainable practices can go hand-in-hand with producing premium products. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of our environmentally conscious approach to distilling, and how we are making a difference one batch at a time. Through this, we aim not only to meet the expectations of our discerning customers but also to exceed them, ensuring they can enjoy every sip knowing it supports sustainable efforts.

Selecting Sustainable Ingredients for Our Spirits

At 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee, we prioritize sustainability at every step in crafting our spirits. This commitment begins with the careful selection of ingredients that not only provide the highest quality flavors but are also sourced responsibly. We partner with local farmers and suppliers who share our commitment to the environment and employ farming practices that benefit the earth. These relationships ensure that the grains, herbs, and other natural elements used in our spirits are cultivated without harmful chemicals and with a focus on conserving water and soil health.

Moreover, our choice of sustainable ingredients extends to how we manage resources throughout our supply chain. By minimizing the transportation required to move ingredients from the farm to our distillery, we reduce our carbon footprint and support the local economy. This approach not only reflects our dedication to environmental responsibility but also enhances the freshness and quality of our spirits, creating a product that we are proud to stand behind.

Energy Efficient Distilling Techniques We Use

In our effort to further our environmental commitments, we employ cutting-edge technology and methods that maximize energy efficiency in our distilling process. Our facility utilizes advanced equipment that reduces energy consumption without compromising the integrity or flavor of our spirits. For instance, we have adopted a heat recovery system that repurposes excess heat generated during distillation to preheat water for the next batch, significantly lowering our energy usage.

Additionally, we fine-tune our distillation equipment to operate at optimal temperatures, which ensures maximum efficiency and reduces waste. These practices not only support our goal of reducing our environmental impact but also streamline our production processes, making them more effective and less resource-intensive. By integrating these energy-efficient techniques, we further reinforce our commitment to sustainability while maintaining the high quality and flavor profile that our customers expect from 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee.

Waste Reduction Strategies in Our Production

At 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee, we recognize the importance of minimizing waste not only for the health of our planet but also for the efficiency of our production. We implement several strategies to ensure that every component of our process contributes as little waste as possible. First, our production team closely monitors and controls the inputs and outputs at every stage, ensuring that we use exactly what we need without excess. This precision helps in significantly reducing the overall waste generated.

Additionally, we repurpose by-products from the distilling process. Spent grains, a by-product of spirit production, are given a second life as compost or animal feed, contributing to a circular economy where nothing goes to waste. Focusing on sustainable disposal methods enhances not only our operational sustainability but also sets a standard for environmental responsibility in the distilling industry.

How We Engage and Educate Our Community on Sustainability

Community engagement is at the heart of our sustainability practices at 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee. We actively involve our community by hosting workshops and educational sessions that focus on the importance of sustainability in the spirits industry. These events serve as a platform to share our practices and inspire our customers and local community members to adopt sustainable habits in their daily lives.

Besides educational initiatives, we collaborate with local environmental organizations to participate in and sponsor events that promote environmental awareness. Through these partnerships, we not only amplify our impact but also help foster a community that values and practices sustainability. Engaging with our community in this way allows us to spread the message of environmental responsibility wider and more effectively, ensuring that our sustainability efforts resonate beyond our immediate operations.


Our journey towards sustainability at 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee is guided by a commitment to excellence and environmental stewardship. From selecting sustainable ingredients to employing energy-efficient distilling techniques, from reducing waste in our production to educating and engaging with our community, every step we take is designed to ensure that our business leaves a positive imprint on the world. 

We invite you to join us in this important cause. Explore the sustainable choices we offer and be a part of our efforts to create a better planet with every sip of our handcrafted spirits. Discover more about our initiatives and products at 22 Salute Spirits & Coffee. Together, let's make sustainability not just a choice, but a lifestyle!